Teaching Assessment
Pursuant to Legislative Decree 19/2012, which introduced the National University Assessment, Quality Assurance and Accreditation (AVA), the university’s Assessment Unit carries out the following activities:
- Assessment of the organization of academic courses through Annual Course Summary Statements (SUA-CdS), Review Reports and Joint Teacher-Student Commission Reports.
- Assessment of the methods and results of attending student and undergraduate surveys.
- Assessment of the effective management and implementation of Quality Assurance (QA) in teaching through a special programme of course class evaluations.
The results of these activities are reported in the Annual Report envisaged by Articles 12 and 14 of the aforementioned Legislative Decree 19/2012, and transmitted to the National University and Research Assessment Agency (ANVUR) and to the university’s governing bodies.
On the basis of specific requirements of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR), the Assessment Unit carries out the following activities:
- Analysis of proposals and opinions on the establishment of new academic courses, whose results are communicated to MIUR and the university’s governing bodies via a brief technical report.
- Evaluation of local level programming proposals for access to university courses, as per Article 2, Paragraph 1, Letters a) and b) of Law 264/1999, whose results are communicated to the university’s governing bodies.
- Verification of the congruity of the scientific and professional curricula of the highly qualified experts holding teaching contracts, as per Article 2, Paragraph 1, Letter r) of Law 240/2010.
Research and Third Stream Assessment
The university’s Assessment Unit assess the effective management and implementation of Quality Assurance (QA) in research and the third stream via a special programme of departmental evaluations.
Research Doctorate Assessment
The university’s Assessment Unit annually verifies the fulfilment of the requisites for accreditation of research doctorate courses, as per Article 4 of Ministerial Decree 45/2013.
Performance Assessment
Pursuant to Resolution 9/2010 of the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC), and as per Article 14 of Legislative Decree 150/2009, as amended, the university’s Assessment Unit acts as a Performance Independent Assessment Body (OIV).
The Assessment Unit collaborates with the General Management of the university in the design and implementation of its Performance Measurement and Assessment System, which analyses strengths and weaknesses, uses the models and principles indicated by ANAC for benchmarking, and monitors and manages emerging criticalities.
The main activities of the Assessment Unit as an Independent Assessment Body are:
- Formulation of a binding opinion on the Performance Measurement and Assessment System (SMVP), as envisaged by Article 7 of Legislative Decree 150/2009, as amended.
- Preparation of an Annual Report on the overall functioning of the assessment, transparency and internal control integrity system, as envisaged by Article 14, Paragraph 4, Letter a) of Legislative Decree 150/2009.
- Approval of the Performance Report, as envisaged by Article 14, Paragraph 4, Letter c) of Legislative Decree 150/2009.
- Proposal to the administrative and policy-making body of the annual assessment of executive managers, as envisaged by Article 14, Paragraph 4, Letter e) of Legislative Decree 150/2009.
- Certification of the fulfilment of the specific disclosure obligations envisaged by Article 44 of Legislative Decree 33/2013.
These activities can be assimilated into other tasks performed by the Assessment Unit in compliance with specific legislative provisions, among which the university’s Budget Report, as per Article 5, Paragraph 21 of Law 537/1993.