Seminario di Geometria

Link identifier archive #link-archive-thumb-soap-7014
Seminario di Geometria
Link identifier #identifier__118368-1Link identifier #identifier__11646-2
Giovedì 28 Marzo alle ore 14:15, Roberto Fringuelli (Sapienza) terrà il seminario di Geometria dal titolo "A Support Theorem for the meromorphic Hitchin fibration".

Abstract: Let G be a connected reductive group over an algebraically closed field. A challenging task is the computation of the (intersection) cohomology of the moduli space of G-Higgs bundles over a curve. One way to tackle the problem is to study the derived direct image of the intersection complex of this moduli space along the G-Hitchin fibration. In the first part of the talk, we provide an overview of the G-Hitchin fibration for the moduli space of G-Higgs bundles. In the second part, we show that the derived direct image of the intersection complex for the meromorphic G-Hitchin fibration is determined by its restriction to the so-called elliptic locus, for any connected reductive group G. The cases GLn and SLn were already known thanks to the works of Chaudouard-Laumon, de Cataldo and Maulik-Shen. This is a work in progress jointly with Mark Andrea de Cataldo, Andres Fernandez Herrero and Mirko Mauri.

Il seminario si svolgerà in presenza nell'aula M1. Per ulteriori informazioni, si può contattare gli organizzatori all'email