CALL FOR APPLICATIONS for the Advanced Training on “Impact Evaluation of Development Policies: Concepts, Methods, Applications”

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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS for the Advanced Training on “Impact Evaluation of Development Policies: Concepts, Methods, Applications”
The Italian Centre for International Development (ICID) - created by CEIS of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, the Department of Social Sciences and Economics of Sapienza University of Rome, and the Department of Economics of Roma Tre University - under the MoU and in partnership with the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) are organizing the:
               3rd Edition of International School for Advanced Training
                        “Impact Evaluation of Development Policies:
                                  Concepts, Methods, Applications”

The courswe will take place starting from June 21st until July 2nd 2021
and it will be held on-line.

For all the information and to know how to apply, please consult the Link identifier #identifier__101746-1official ICID website and the flyer below.


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