Seminar: Quantum complex networks

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Seminar: Quantum complex networks
Tuesday 22nd March, 15:00, online – Link identifier #identifier__143236-1Teams
Department of Science, Università Roma Tre
Valentina Parigi (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Sorbonne Université)

At different scales, from molecular systems to technological infrastructures, physical
systems group in structures which are neither simply regular or random, but can be
represented by networks with complex shape. In addition, the individual elements of
natural samples, like atoms or electrons, are quantum objects.
Hence replicating complex networks in a scalable quantum platform is a formidable
opportunity to learn more about the intrinsic quantumness of real world and for the
efficient exploitation of quantum-complex structures in future technologies. I will show
how multi-frequency light from a femtosecond laser source can be used to build quantum
networks of complex shapes and the possible applications

Link identifier #identifier__50927-2Locandina